Monday, March 22, 2010


Chess Pieces
While I don't have references, I actually enjoyed modeling the chess pieces for the most part. The pawns were created by making a primitive NURBS cylinder and adding multiple isoparms which I then scaled down to pinch the model, creating most of the pawn's figure. I then added a primitive NURBS sphere on the top and group them all together.

The King and Queen were created with CV Curves which I rotated to get the basic shape. Curves were also used to create the cross on the king, but instead of rotating the curve I lofted between two and added a face. These were also grouped together.

The chess board is simply a flat plane with a black and white lambert checkered texture. The textures on the chess pieces were both blinns.

Struggles with the models
On and off throughout the project, I struggled with keeping the grouped models together. The cross on the king piece liked to move further than the rest of the piece even though I grouped and would center the pivot. Perhaps there is a way to fix this I don't know about? In the end I manually moved the cross back to where it should've been after the piece was moved.

I ended up discarding the queen piece when I figured out a story for the pieces. The white pawn was to be surrounded by four black pawns before the black king swooped for the kill, so to speak.

Shots from the movie/Animating
The hardest part I had with the animation was moving the white pawn (which is also where I got stuck and had to finish.) I animated all the pieces and camera using keyframes, and for some reason the white pawn refused to move. Besides that, I actually really enjoyed animating the camera and doing all the lighting. It was my favorite part about the whole project and would love to do it more.

[ insert epic music? dun dun dun!]

You can see here where the white pawn piece should've flown off to the left. Instead the keyframes refused to work. I couldn't find a solution to this problem.